Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010


dakon ancient traditional game is that there is in Mojokerto. Dakon games using the board game that has 14 holes and two holes larger parent. Played by two people. One hole is located at the tip of the parent board and the other parent hole located at the other. In between there are two lines of stem holes that each line contains a seven-hole total 14 holes. Dakon Actually there is also contained 18 holes and two hole carriers. but most used is the 14th.Traditional Games dakon dakon ancient traditional game is that there are in Mojokerto. Dakon game using the game board has 14 holes and two holes of the parents. Played by two people. One hole is located at the tip of the main board and the other parent hole located at the other. In between there are two lines of stem hole that every line contains a total of seven holes 14. Dakon Actually there is also contained two 18-hole and hole operators. but is most often used is 14.

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